’Navigating Difficult Conversations: Versed’s Top Tips for Leaders

Image credits: Priscilla Du Preez / Unsplash

We all know that running a successful business isn't just about crunching numbers and sealing deals. It's also about navigating those tricky, uncomfortable conversations that can make or break a team's dynamic.

Conflict is part of the package when you're in the driving seat. However, the way you handle these difficult discussions can set the tone for your entire organisation. So, let's dive into the top mistakes to avoid when navigating these challenging chats.

First up, don't shy away from the conversation. Yes, it's uncomfortable, but remember, avoidance is a bad management technique and something that will be mimicked throughout your organisation.

Secondly, don't soften or bury your message. It's crucial to be straightforward, calm, and open-minded. Remember, you're not doing anyone any favours by sugar-coating the truth.

Thirdly, don't lose sight of the conversation's purpose. What do you hope to achieve? Keep your goal in mind, and steer the conversation towards it.

Also, don't ignore or suppress feelings central to the conversation. Emotions are part of the human experience, and acknowledging them can lead to better understanding and resolution.

Finally, don't forget to prepare. Just like you wouldn't wing a presentation, don't wing a difficult conversation.

How do you initiate a difficult conversation you've been putting off? Start by defining your goals for the conversation. What's the most important reason for this chat? How can it benefit you, the other person, and your organisation? Once you've got this nailed down, craft a direct and measured opening for the conversation.

After the conversation, follow up. Recap the main points in writing to ensure everyone is on the same page.

In order to be fully prepared, why not role-play the conversation with a mentor or trusted friend? It's a low-stakes way to practice what you want to say and anticipate potential reactions.

In conclusion, difficult conversations are part and parcel of leadership. But with these tips, you can navigate them, fostering a more open, honest, and productive working environment.


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