Make Your Workdays Support Mental Health

Image credits: Brooke Cagle / Unsplash

When mental health challenges arise, navigating your workday can feel like climbing a mountain. It’s not always the workload but how your day is structured that makes the difference. Here are some strategies to create a workday that supports your mental health.

Specific Strategies for Common Mental Health Challenges

Anxiety and Depression

Avoidance and Procrastination: Break projects into smaller tasks with short deadlines. Allocate specific times to tackle these tasks daily.


Planning Assistance: Struggling with planning? Collaborate with colleagues or clients. Regular planning sessions can keep you on track.

Bipolar Disorder

Consistent Routines: Disrupted routines can be tough. Discuss possible schedule adaptations with your boss to maintain consistency.

General Strategies for a Mentally Healthy Workday

Build Strong Habits Around Deep Work

Establish consistent habits for focused work. For instance, always doing deep work from 10 AM to noon can help maintain productivity even during tough times.

Create Routines for Non-Urgent Tasks

Set aside time for small administrative tasks. Handling these before deep work can prevent them from piling up and causing stress.

Use Unfocused Time Wisely

Alternate between focused and unfocused states. Activities like walking or light chores can help your brain relax and spark creativity.

For Managers

Managers play a crucial role in supporting their team’s mental health. Understand the importance of these strategies and be open to accommodation requests. Regularly remind your team that you’re available for discussions about mental health and strive to create a supportive environment.

Structuring your workday to support mental health can also boost productivity. By implementing these strategies, you can create a workday that enhances both well-being and efficiency. Let’s build work environments where everyone can thrive!


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